State of Play - July: House & Techno
Internet crusaders unite! Our picks for the month from the lovely land of House and Techno in one handy playlist – aren’t we nice eh? Keep ’em peeled for State of Play – July: Drum & Bass edition!
So first up: a really special package from our mates across the pond Mister Saturday Night. Brothers & Sisters is an MSN compendium, of sorts – previously vinyl-only material from the likes of Dark Sky, Gunnar Haslam, Anthony Naples and General Ludd now on double-disc CD (controversial we know!) But it’s the triple-LP that makes us a little weak at the knees. It’s bloomin’ marvellous, a package that not only covers all bases sonically but one that also feels like the real deal, individual artwork for each inner sleeve being the icing on the cake. Compilation of the year so far?

Rainbow flex
Next up we have Imre Kiss‘ dreamy debut EP Raw Energy on Lobster Theremin. The label has really hit the ground running in the few years since its inception – Rawaat and Palms Trax take a bow – yet their latest is its best yet in our humble opinion. Rugged soundscapes with a distinctly analogue, wavey feel – though we’d expect nothing less from the self-proclaimed synth-horder himself! Check the rather excellent video for ‘Non’ below (and the similarly spell-binding video for Immy’s earlier work ‘Gray’s Legend’).
Our next tip is a true testament to the power of the internet browse having stumbled across this floaty record on one casual afternoon’s Redeye scout-out. This may be Croatian label Fields & Forests‘ first release but my is it an eye-opener: dreamy, sensual and above-all musical ‘deep’ house. Particularly revelling in ‘Flying High’s slow unravel into rolling percussion of the highest order. NOICE.
And finally, we’ve saved the aggression ’til last. DRUUUUMMMSSSS! Adam Feingold weighs in with the latest outing on Funkineven‘s ever-excellent Apron. It’s absolutely weighty: Montreal meets Detroit and just lets loose. Uncompromising, abrasive, you get the picture. Play it loud. And also check the label’s Record Store Day exclusive, repressed for all you lovely folks who like your disco edits raw and bouncy.